“Digging my toes deeply into the sand, soil and pebbles. Feeling the wind and the sun.
Stoking the fire of my own creative soul.
And going deeper in the experience of life in all its complexity and its simplicity.
Its stillness as well as its wildness.
Flowing where the waters, and my emotions, take me.”

Currently my art practice and workshop offerings are guided by:

  • as always: the creative impulse, and a love for experimenting with different materials, and affinity for colour and texture
  • a universal need for people to become more grounded, aligned, and connected with themselves and the natural world.
  • an interest in mental health in the arts, and how art can assist and facilitate healing

Read about themes in my work / Read more about the NUANCES landscape series / Read and watch an interview & video by StateoftheArt gallery

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