"DNA of the veld" - land art by Janet Botes in the Tankwa Karoo using stones

DNA of the Veld

Rocks arranged on a natural water hole site
Stonehenge Private Reserve, Tankwa Karoo, South Africa
Created as part of the Tankwa Artscape Residency 2019

Imprinted in our DNA is not only our genetic material, but also ancient matter from our ageless origins long before we evolved into Homo Sapiens. “Encoded in our DNA, encoded in our blood
In the fingerprints of the rock
…and mirrored in the shadows at sunset

Lies the secrets of our ancestors
The lessons we need to heed
The age-old call of the wild

Written in the slate
Engraved in each grain of sand
The sun burning away the dirt

To leave only the long-forgotten language
Encoded in the sand
Encoded in the land

The language of the landscape
Of humans in harmony with nature
In rhythm. In dance. In blood-red of the sand.”

– “Encoded”, Janet Botes, 2015

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